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Allen & Heath GLD-80 Console Chrome Edition

Allen & Heath


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Systemet gir deg 48 inputpkanaler med full prosessering, 8 stereo FX returer matet av iLive seriens fremragende effekter, 30 fullkonfigurerbare busser, 20 miks kanaler med full prosessering og 16 DCA. Med lokal analog og digital I/O på flaten er GLD utbyggbar inntil 48 kanaler på XLR via et utvalg 'audio racks'.

I tillegg kan en av A&H sine digitale I/O interface installeres på baksiden, velg mellom bl.a DANTE, WAVES, MADI, ETHERSOUND.

Flatene har komplett kanalstripe i analog stil med dedikerte potmetere for alle viktige parametre inkludert komplett 4 bånds parametrisk eq.

Hver eneste input og output kanal har DEEP plugin teknologi med modelering av kjente og kjære analogkompressorer på I/O i tillegg til grafiske EQ modelleringer. I effektracket kan man også kalle opp insertbare modeller av kjente dynamiske EQ og de-esser modeller. iLive klangene som medfølger har oppnådd så stor popularitet blant brukerflaten at A&H ble nødt til å portere de til det nye flaggskipet dLive.

Man har tilgang til mange gode verktøy i tillegg som: AMM (automatic mic mixing), RTA, dynamisk eq, multiband compressor, transient designer, de-esser mm.

GLD-80 mixer providing 48 input processing channels, 8 stereo FX returns fed by iLive’s acclaimed FX emulations, 30 configurable buses, 20 mix processing channels, and DSP power to provide full processing without compromise.

GLD, a user-friendly, cost effective and scalable live digital mixing system, conceptually based on the hugely successful digital iLive series. A standard GLD 32 input system offers 28 XLR mic inputs with plug n’ play I/O expanders allowing easy expansion up to 48 inputs (44 XLR mic inputs).

At the heart of the system is the GLD-80 mixer, providing 48 input processing channels, 8 stereo FX returns fed by iLive’s acclaimed FX emulations, 30 configurable buses, 20 mix processing channels, and DSP power to provide full processing without compromise.

GLD-80 has an analogue-style channel processing control section complemented by a graphical 8.4 inch touch screen. A fully-customisable drag ‘n drop layout allows quick and easy assignment of inputs and mixes to fader strips. There are 20 fader strips in 4 layers, each with motorised fader, a channel LCD display which can be named and colour-coded, plus a rotary control for direct access to gain, pan and aux/FX sends. The mixer‘s local I/O comprises 4 XLR mic/line inputs, 4 XLR line outs, 4 RCA inputs, 2 RCA outputs, and digital outputs in SPDIF and AES3 formats.

The GLD-80 connects to a range of plug ‘n play I/O racks to ‘build’ 28, 36 or 44 mic input systems. A primary AR2412 or AB168 dSNAKE device, a secondary (daisy-chained) AB168 or AR84, and a further AR84 expander rack can all be connected over 120m CAT5 runs using A&H’s dSNAKE protocol. dSNAKE provides control to the remote preamp, and all mic preamps are scene recallable. AR2412 and AB168 also include a connection for personal monitoring systems.

GLD has the ability to record and playback a stereo signal on a USB memory stick. Standard iLive audio I/O option cards for Dante, MADI, EtherSound and Allen & Heath's ACE protocols can be fitted, allowing multi-channel record/playback, FOH/monitor splits, and connection to A&H iLive systems, which can easily be configured using GLD's extensive soft-patching.

GLD’s new advanced automatic mic mixer (AMM) features make it perfect for mixing conferences, panel talks and TV shows. The AMM can be configured to work across 44 microphone sources, allowing the user to select which inputs should be auto-mixed without the usual restrictions of a 16 channel insert based system. The AMM can be set to work in two modes – ‘D-Classic’ dynamic gain sharing for a simple quick set-up, and ‘Number of Open Microphones’ (NOM) logic gate technology for a more flexible and sophisticated auto mix.

GLD offers 6 compressor models, all freely available on all input and mix channels. The models capture the audio nuances and non-linear ballastics of industry classics, ranging from slow-opto release, RMS detection, fierce Punchbag,through to super-fast peak compression/limiting. All models also encompass additional essential features, parallel path mode for convenient wet/dry compression balancing, comprehensive sidechain filter and gain reduction histogram.



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