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Arturia MiniBrute-2 semi-modular analog monosynth



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MiniBrute 2 is a 25-key analog monosynth with semi-modular architecture, bridging the gap between the traditional synthesizer instruments and the exciting world of modular. MiniBrute 2 shares many of the same iconic features that made its predecessor such a success, including mixable oscillators, the acidic Steiner-Parker filter, and the chaotic Brute Factor. While keeping many of its signature elements, the tone-shaping potential of MiniBrute 2 has been almost exponentially increased.

The reimagined MiniBrute now features semi-modular architecture, adding a comprehensive CV/Gate patch matrix that allows users to both rework its internal signal routing, but also expand into the blossoming world of modular. It also features the same high quality, aftertouch-enabled keybed found in their flagship MatrixBrute synth, making it a joy to play. Truly an instrument designed for musicians by musicians.

MiniBrute 2 also features exciting new features that greatly expand its potential, both as the focal point of a creative studio, and as a road-ready performance platform.

Intuitive, accessible, and fun; the pure synthesis power of MiniBrute 2 is easy to understand, quick to master, and will provide endless enjoyment. With instant, hands-on control of every parameter, you can mix your oscillators, ride your filters, sync your LFOs, and control your envelopes. MiniBrute 2 is a synth that gives you the freedom to create the sounds from your imagination.

Discover the modular world

Now you’re able to make a music system that’s truly more than the sum of its parts. MiniBrute 2 features a comprehensive modulation matrix with dozens of sources and destinations at your disposal. Whether you want to experiment with its internal parameters, wire in your modular setup, or sync your other gear to its sequencer, the possibilities are endless.

Performance power

Sporting the same luxurious, smooth-action keyboard as the venerable MatrixBrute, you’ll never want to stop playing on this inspiring synth. The keyboard also features aftertouch, which can be routed through the modulation matrix, opening up massive performance possibilities. MiniBrute 2 also features an arpeggiator with multiple modes, tap tempo, and rock-solid sync, and an intuitive step-sequencer to give you as much creative freedom as possible.

  • Mixable, multi-waveform VCO1 and VCO2 with sound shapers: Sawtooth, Ultrasaw, Square, Pulse, Triangle, Metalizer, and Sine waves, with fine and coarse tuning modes, noise generator, and external input.
  • Steiner-Parker multimode filter with beefy, acidic tone, capable of self-oscillation. Featuring low pass, high pass, band pass, notch, and bypass.
  • ADSR envelope generator, and extra multi-mode, CV-controllable AD filter.
  • Brute Factor™ adds subtle drive effects to full blown intermodulation havoc.
  • Comprehensive CV Gate modulation matrix with 48 patch points, letting you control many elements of the synthesizer and sequencer.
  • Two LFOs with multiple waveforms, able to run in sync with the sequence
  • Intuitive Sequencer and Arpeggiator, syncable with MIDI and USB.
  • High quality 25-note MatrixBrute-style keyboard, with octave controls and assignable pitch bend range, modulation, and aftertouch.
  • Line out, headphone output, dedicated MIDI I/O and USB connectivity.
  • Product Size: 476*336*58mm / 18,74*13,22*2,28inch
  • Weight: 4,82kg / 66,8lb



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