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ErgoBrass for Euphonium/Baryton - Spillestøtte



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After two years of worldwide success from our first innovation, the ERGObone for trombone players, and six months after our second brass instrument support device, the ERGObrass for French horn players the ERGObrass Ltd proudly brought to the market our third innovation, the ERGObrass for the euphonium, baritone horn, tenor horn and alto horn. It is a new auxiliary device for all brass players which gives the player a more comfortable, effective and healthy way of playing. 

The general idea of ERGObrass supports is based on a simple fact that all brass instruments are heavy to hold. We all know that relaxation is very important in brass playing. However, holding the instrument in playing position inevitably produces a static tenson in hands, arms, shoulders, upper body and throat. 

Most players can play with this tension, of course - but the tension is always there disturbing the performance.

By using an ERGObrass support every brass player can stay totally relaxed while playing. And in addition to the better efficency, it is also very comfortable!



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