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Focal SHAPE 40 studiomonitorer



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Den tåler også å plasseres nær bakvegg, og er en ekte close-field arbeidshøyttaler. Har du begrenset plass, gir Shape 40 deg lyden av en langt større høyttaler og med en nøyaktighet du ikke finner pr vår/sommer 2017 noe annet sted.

Shape 40 is the most compact studio monitor in the Focal Professional line, and the perfect solution for nearfield monitoring. These monitors can be used from 23? away (60cm), and they have astonishingly extended low end frequency response.  Whether you have a room of less than 107ft2 (10m2), or an installation where compactness is paramount, Shape 40 is the perfect solution.

The three monitors are all made in France and integrate five innovations to maximise acoustic transparency. Designed to meet the needs of nearfield monitoring, Shape monitors combine an ingenuous design and numerous settings optimised for the acoustics of small listening rooms.

These innovations provide remarkable acoustic transparency. These new work tools distinguish themselves through the wide and extremely precise stereo image. The bass register is articulated and controlled. The lower mid-range and mid-range benefit from extreme neutrality, and without any masking effects, making equalisation of these essential registers much easier. Finally, the new tweeter is what’s at the source of the very high definition. It efficiently reveals any hissing, and it’s also very precise in the very high end.

After having pushed back the limits in electromagnetic technology, our teams discovered the fact that beyond the magnetic field intensity and its homogeneity within the gap, there was a dynamic aspect we had no control over. The magnetic field is not stable because it is modulated by three factors:

  • the movement of the voice coil (Lenz's law),
  • the current passing through it (Foucault current),
  • the frequency.

Consequently, the voice coil, and all the moving part including the cone, is in the magnetic field which becomes too variable, and this leads to loss of precision. After three years of research and the development of simulation software which makes it possible to visualise these complex interactions, Focal engineers created an incredibly stable magnetic circuit for the Sopra line. The solution, NIC technology, lies in a Faraday ring whose dimensions, materials and positioning were optimised to make the magnetic field no longer affected by the position of the voice coil, by the amperage or the frequency of the current passing through it.

  • Frekvensrespons: 60Hz - 35kHz
  • Maksimum lydtrykk: 102 dB SPL (ved 1 meter)
  • Innganger: 1 stk balansert XLR / 1 stk ubalansert phono
  • Forsterker: 25 watt klasse AB til bass/mellomtone, 25 watt klasse AB til HF
  • Justeringer: 80Hz HPF, +/- 6dB ved 250Hz, +/- 3db ved 160Hz, +/- 3dB i 4,5-35kHz
  • Størrelse: 257 x 161 x 200 mm
  • Vekt: 5 kilo pr stk?



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