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Focal SHAPE 50 studiomonitorer



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Shape 50 har markedets mest linjære frekvensgjengivelse i området mellom 1kHz og 4,5kHz, og frekvensresponsen er på imponerende 50Hz til 35kHz. Lyden er intet mindre enn uovertruffen.

Shape studio monitors are the fruit of 3 years of research and development to offer an unparalleled solution to meet the needs of those working in small listening rooms. These professional tools combine an innovative, compact design, extended response in the low end and exclusive technologies to ensure transparent sound. Focal also reinforce the brand’s individuality.  The latest generation of Flax cones and the new ‘M’-shaped aluminium-magnesium dome tweeter are both made in France and have potential for great appeal!

The bass register is articulated and controlled. The lower mid-range and mid-range benefit from extreme neutrality, and without any masking effects, making equalisation of these essential registers much easier. Finally, the new tweeter is what’s at the source of the very high definition and it’s also very precise in the very high frequencies.

Shape 50 is the versatile monitoring loudspeaker par excellence. This monitor can be used from 30? away (80cm), and it has very extended low end frequency response (50Hz) considering its compact design. Thanks to this design and to the numerous settings, this monitor is ideal for rooms measuring less than 130ft2 (12m2).
The three monitors are all made in France and integrate five innovations to maximise acoustic transparency. Designed to meet the needs of nearfield monitoring, Shape monitors combine an ingenuous design and numerous settings optimised for the acoustics of small listening rooms.
These innovations provide remarkable acoustic transparency. These new work tools distinguish themselves through the wide and extremely precise stereo image. The bass register is articulated and controlled. The lower mid-range and mid-range benefit from extreme neutrality, and without any masking effects, making equalisation of these essential registers much easier. Finally, the new tweeter is what’s at the source of the very high definition. It efficiently reveals any hissing, and it’s also very precise in the very high end.

  • Frekvensrespons: 50Hz - 35kHz
  • Maksimum lydtrykk: 106dB SPL (ved 1 meter)
  • Innganger: 1 stk balansert XLR / 1 stk ubalansert phono
  • Forsterker: 60 watt klasse AB til bass/mellomtone, 25 watt klasse AB til HF
  • Justeringer: 45/60/90Hz HPF, +/- 6dB ved 250Hz, +/- 3db ved 160Hz, +/- 3dB i 4,5-35kHz
  • Størrelse: 312 x 191 x 242 mm
  • Vekt: 6,5 kilo pr stk



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