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Focal Spirit One S



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Spirit One S

Focal fikk braksuksess i hodetelefonmarkedet med sine Focal Spirit One. Med erfaringene fra denne modellen, har de nå skapt en ny og ennå bedre hodetelefon for mobilt bruk.

Selvsagt låter Spirit S utrolig bra. Det skulle bare mangle!
Men med et eksklusivt utseende og funksjonelt design, er nye Spirit S en av markedets flotteste løsninger for folk på farten. Enhver smart-telefon sammen med Focal Spirit S, er et potensielt ultramobilt Hi-Fi anlegg. Liker du god trøkk i bunn, parret med detaljert mellomtone og luftig diskant vil Spirit S være midt i blinken.

Gode omtaler kommer sjelden alene:

Engelsk info:
Spirit One S is the fourth pair of headphones developed by Focal’s R&D team in France, and it takes full advantage of our latest advances and the expertise we have acquired about headphones. It is destined for all those who are searching for more than just a stylish product, but also for real acoustic equipment.

Neutral and balanced
Spirit One S is designed with portability in mind. Its frequency response has been improved in the bass to provide a perfect equilibrium of tonal balance in noisy environments. Rich mid-treble, spatialisation, exceptional acoustic definition and high dynamic are here for the taking thanks to drivers which have a large diaphragm (40mm/19/16″) with exemplary lightness.

Light and comfortable
The large circum-aural ear cups and soft ear cushions ensure perfect insulation. Mechanics of the structure combine comfort, lightness and robustness, key points for portable headphones to ensure listening pleasure without limits.

Key Features
• Closed back, circum-aural type
• Portable headphones, light, comfortable and providing excellent insulation
• A reference in terms of sound quality with reinforced bass for on-the-go use
• In-line controller and built-in microphone, compatible with all Smartphones
• Supplied with a rigid carrying case and a soft carrying bag




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