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Ibanez NTS Tube Screamer


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Kan verdens beste og uten tvil mest klassiske overdrivepedal bli enda bedre?
Ibanez TS808 - "kongen over alle konger" i overdriveverdenen har fått en ny konge!


This is the first time Ibanez has made a major circuit change in a long long time. The idea was born the moment Ibanez saw Korg’s new vacuum tube device “Nutube”, which is the first innovation in 50 years in the vacuum tubes industry. The Korg and Ibanez engineers then met at winter NAMM 2016 for the collaboration between Nutube and Tubescreamer.

One of the reasons why the Tube screamer stands as an icon of overdrive pedals today is the mixture of the clean sounds and distortion tones which are made by clipper diodes. These are achieved in one 4558 op-amp section in the original circuit. However, in this new circuit the distortion isn’t made by diodes but by the Nutube, just like a full tube pre-amp, then mixed with clean signal passed through a discrete circuit. Nutube and this circuit diagram create a feel of the natural tube compression, with a fat and mild distortion, and a wide dynamic range that can reflect sensitive picking nuance. A new feature never offered before is a MIX knob which lets you control the balance of the clean and overdriven signals. Another great feature is the Nu Tubescreamer that allows up to a 18V power supply giving players a wider headroom along with a louder overall sound. And for a more traditional sound you can still run it off a 9V power supply or battery.

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