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QSC CORE-110F, 128 IN+128 OUT


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The Q-SYS CORE 110f is a multipurpose software based digital audio signal processor with a total of 8 balanced analog microphone/line level audio inputs and 8 balanced analog microphone/line level audio outputs. In addition to the fixed 8x8 analog audio I/O, the CORE 110f features a software definable bank of 8 balanced analog audio Input/Output Flex Channels, a unique QSC innovation, where each channel can be independently configured during design or run time as either a microphone/ line level input or a microphone/line level output.

As such, the CORE 110f offers class leading 24 analog I/O density in one rack space plus additional specialized I/O such as VoIP, POTS, Internal Media Playback/ Recording HDD and USB; all included in one chassis SKU. The Q-SYS CORE 110f supports a class leading USB Audio Device port connection that enables the processor to appear in a Microsoft Windows or Mac OS host operating system simultaneously as both a USB Audio and Communications device.

The USB Device port (B type) implementation supports up to 16x16 digital audio channels in a flexible, design time configuration environment that can advertise as multiple virtual USB device instances to the host operating system concurrently over a single physical USB connection. In addition to the USB Device port, the Core 110f provides six USB Host ports (A type) which enable the Core to host external USB devices and future Q-SYS peripheral products.

  • 128x128 channels of Q-LAN network audio in single channel streams
  • Up to 24 configurable analog audio I/O
  • 8 mic./line level analog audio inputs
  • 8 line level analog audio outputs
  • 8 Flex Channel mic./line level analog audio Inputs or Outputs
  • Up to 16 assignable and routeable AEC processor instances
  • Dual Gigabit Ethernet ports with assignable application resources offering any combination of VoIP, Q-LAN Control, Q-LAN audio or network redundancy
  • Up to 16x16 channels of digital audio in and out via software definable USB instances advertised to the host operating system
  • 16 General Purpose Inputs (GPI) x 16 General Purpose Outputs (GPO)
  • Internal Universal Power Supply plus 12 Volt DC External Power Supply input for redundancy or non-mains power supply sources
  • Single software platform for system configuration, control and monitoring via Q-SYS Designer software over Ethernet with support for static or Auto/DHCP TCP/IP addressing
  • POTS telephone interface via a standard RJ-11 connector
  • Supports up to 8 VoIP Softphone instances in addition to the onboard POTS telephone interface
  • Fully compatible with all existing and future Q-SYS accessories such as IO-FRAMES, Paging Stations, and Touch Screen Control Surfaces running Q-SYS UCI
  • CE marked, UL listed, and RoHS compliant
  • 483x282,5mm 1HU
  • 5kg



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